
The Nation with no Conscience

I feel absolutely disgusting. I can hardly bare to live with myself for not doing anything about this. It is truly hideous how quickly we as the American population forget our actions and our reasons for these actions.

We intervene in a country's internal affairs, set up a corrupt puppet government that will benefit our economy back home, then thirty years later condemn the very same people WE placed at the pinnacle of power in that country. The ants and sheep get what they call 'angry' with me when I point out such atrocities. I'm of the impression that they have no idea what anger really means... and it is my true hope that I never have to show them.

Mental retardation, whether biological or simply chosen, is not a fucking virtue. I will smash every one of your heads into the boulder of truth.


Happiness is the Ultimate Power.

My english class is my ticket to life. First Class, actually. Anyway, our esteemed instructor has taken it upon himself to educate us in a way that many are not accustomed to. I am, to be honest, I expect it, but that's what having Mrs. S does to you.

Monday, we started Spinozian Ethics. He brought in Delueze's work on the subject, and he read passages while the rest of us tried to understand and take notes. These are my notes.

In my log I was also writing down the thoughts that spun off of these new ideas. Here they are.

After class, I went home to reflect and enjoyed myself immensely. I e-mailed Mr. Rex about my thoughts, and today in class, he told me he likes what I had to say. We then wrote a 15-20 minute response page (response to Monday's class) then discussed the material. I didn't say anything, because I wanted to hear what other people have to say. To be honest, not much, except for a Chinese guy who seems very intelligent but I just can't seem to pay attention to what he says. I'm not remarking anything about him, but my focus just goes to the shoes that guy is wearing or the thoughts in my own head. Anyway, after class today, I was walking with that one guy that I know but not his name it was cool because he asked me if I was valedictorian of my class. "Hahaha, fuck no, I barely graduated with a 3.0."

This is my reflections page. All in all, I give my english class full marks for substance.


New Order

I have bought a little notebook I like to carry around with me. I think about things a lot, and it's really useful to have. I didn't plan on posting these things, but I have changed my mind.

I was just in the shower, pondering the conversation I plan to have this weekend with Mr. X. I do love and respect the Christian ideals (as I understand them): love, forgiveness, kindness etc... and I found myself telling him I could never truly believe that this organism called Jesus was the son of God. Then, an epiphany materialized before me: We are all the sons and daughters of God. Jesus is special, known, only because the goodness that he was was only possible through divine intervention. He was a martyr for his ideals. All religious figures, philosophers, and famous men of math and science (Newton) are all manifestations of His divine wisdom. Which seems simple enough, because this is so doxatic. But for this to be doxatic, there must be a before time when it was not, which means that there is a specific point that this idea became doxatic, and realizing that transition requires true thought. As I've said before, there's a vast difference between knowing the answer and knowing the path to the answer (I said this in some previous post).

I have always had this idea of this or that being relevant to the world or not. The World cares about physics and mathematics, not about gossip and the stain on the sofa. Symbols are given power by people, and this power is the ability to transform sadness to joy. I feel more and more everyday that I should teach what I know and what I shall know. I am to help with the Good progression of man, to take the energies of sadness and make them joy. I believe Love is the most powerful of forces and that in order to devote my life to love, I must atone for my deeds that have inflicted sadness.

Or maybe I'm just being altruistic.


Novus Ordo

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world believe he didn't exist.

It's there, find it. There is evil at the core of all of us, which makes us man. More on this later


Purpose: Another Inch

This blog will document the struggles of which right or wrong is not determined that I am aware of. He (my blog, personified with an identity) will display more of the ethos and represent a story rather than the logos that my first blog was created for.

So, As One Lives and Dies: stories to be analyzed and interpreted. Secrets of the Universe: logical findings of a black and white nature (right/wrong).

Two weeks ago I decided to stop blogging, which I might, but now this week I've made a new blog... so what's that tell you?

As always, we'll see.


Just give it time, it will increase exponentially.