Happiness is the Ultimate Power.
My english class is my ticket to life. First Class, actually. Anyway, our esteemed instructor has taken it upon himself to educate us in a way that many are not accustomed to. I am, to be honest, I expect it, but that's what having Mrs. S does to you.
Monday, we started Spinozian Ethics. He brought in Delueze's work on the subject, and he read passages while the rest of us tried to understand and take notes. These are my notes.

In my log I was also writing down the thoughts that spun off of these new ideas. Here they are.

After class, I went home to reflect and enjoyed myself immensely. I e-mailed Mr. Rex about my thoughts, and today in class, he told me he likes what I had to say. We then wrote a 15-20 minute response page (response to Monday's class) then discussed the material. I didn't say anything, because I wanted to hear what other people have to say. To be honest, not much, except for a Chinese guy who seems very intelligent but I just can't seem to pay attention to what he says. I'm not remarking anything about him, but my focus just goes to the shoes that guy is wearing or the thoughts in my own head. Anyway, after class today, I was walking with that one guy that I know but not his name it was cool because he asked me if I was valedictorian of my class. "Hahaha, fuck no, I barely graduated with a 3.0."

This is my reflections page. All in all, I give my english class full marks for substance.
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