As One Lives and Dies
Vague insights from the pinnacle of nothing
02 Jetta GLS 1.8T
I just bought a Jetta from a private party with the object of getting a good deal on a good car. It does not run, and the interior looked like two raccoons, a squirrel, four cats and a guy named Daryl lived in it. I am now working on the engine to get this baby running. I'm new to this, and am reaching out for any and all ideas and advice.
After perusing around a few VW forums, it seemed like it was an engine electrical problem, maybe all the ignition coils were bad (there should've been a recall from what I understand). So I get it to my garage and set about testing the coils and plugs when I discovered this.

Which actually turned out to be full blown this.

Gotta be the drive chain, right? Yep, I thought so too. Here have a look.

So, that's where I am. I appreciate any and all feedback as to causes and solutions. Thanks in advance guys.